Overview of the User Programming Guide

This document, the Geosupport System User Programming Guide (UPG), contains the detailed technical information necessary for users to design and develop their own application programs that access Geosupport, as well as to use GBAT. (The use of GOAT and the AIMZ transaction requires no programming skills and they are not documented herein.) The UPG serves as a comprehensive set of technical specifications for the Geosupport System, and can be incorporated into procurement documents issued by city agencies soliciting consulting services for application design and development.

The contents of the UPG are as follows

  • Chapter I is a general overview of the system, its purposes, features, means of access and the broad outlines of its architecture.
  • Chapter II is an introduction to the Geosupport API, describing in general terms its components and the user programming required to utilize it. (Chapter VIII discusses the usage of the API in greater detail.)
  • Chapter III covers street name processing and in particular describes important user-controllable features of Geosupport’s street name standardizing routine.
  • Chapter IV discusses Geosupport’s system of numeric street codes, a feature that is relevant principally for applications that must retrieve data from user files by geographic location.

  • Chapters V through VII discuss in detail the types of geographic locations that Geosupport can process and the functions that process them:

    • Chapter V discusses address and non-addressable place name processing and Functions 1, 1A, 1B, 1E, and AP.
    • Chapter VI discusses tax lot and building processing and Functions 1A &1B (aspects not covered in Chapter V), BL and BN.
    • Chapter VII discusses street configuration processing and Functions 2, 3, 3C and 3S.
  • Chapter VIII describes in detail the application program coding and JCL required to use the Geosupport API

  • Chapter IX discusses GBAT, Geosupport’s standalone batch utility program.
  • Appendix 1 contains summary reference information for each Geosupport function, including a brief description of the function and reference to relevant sections of the UPG.
  • Appendix 2 contains layouts of the Geosupport API Mainframe-Specific Work Areas (MSWs). Note: MSWs are no longer supported.
  • Appendix 3 is a data item dictionary, containing descriptions of the formats and contents of all of the data items that appear in the work area.
  • Appendix 4 is a comprehensive table of Geosupport Return Codes, Reason Codes and Messages.
  • Appendix 5 contains listings of the MSW Geosupport COPY files for all of the programming languages supported by the Geosupport COPY feature. (This important feature is discussed in Chapter VIII.) Note: MSWs are no longer supported.
  • Appendix 6 describes the procedures that users should follow to report Geosupport System problems and to provide feedback to GSS of rejected input data that the user is unable to resolve.
  • Appendix 7 is a list of the data centers where Geosupport is installed.
  • Appendix 8 contains sample user programs written in various programming languages together with sample JCL.
  • Appendix 9 contains reference tables for setting up GBAT jobs.
  • Appendix 10 contains sample GBAT jobs.
  • Appendix 11 contains a set of guidelines for user application design.
  • Appendix 12 contains a description of Character-Only Work Areas (COWs) and how to use them.
  • Appendix 13 contains layouts of the Character-Only Work Areas (COWs).
  • Appendix 14 contains listings of the COW Geosupport COPY files for all of the programming languages supported by the Geosupport COPY feature. (This important feature is discussed in Chapter VIII.)
  • Appendix 15 describes where the 2010 Census Geography was incorporated into the Version 11.0 Geosupport System. The appendix includes tables describing the offsets of the data and the field names in the COPYLIBs
  • Appendix 16 contains a description of the history and significance of the Neighborhood Tabulation Areas.
  • Appendix 17 contains additional TPAD information, including error processing and error message handling.
  • The Glossary contains definitions of special terms and acronyms

Appendices 1 through 5, together with Appendices 13 and 14 (for COW Work Areas), collectively can serve as a quick reference guide for experienced Geosupport users.

Note: Since the geography of New York City is constantly growing and changing, any examples mentioned in this document may, occasionally, function differently from the way they are described. The examples will, in any case, illustrate the concept being discussed.

Summary of Changes and New Features

The updates listed below indicate changes and new features since the last release of the User Programming Guide (written for Software Version 19.4). Some of the changes and features are described elsewhere in the UPG; other changes are mentioned only in this summary to make users aware of items such as general improvements or items displayed by GOAT.

Note: Entries in this summary which begin with ‘(COW Only)’ describe changes and features which are available only for applications that use the Character-Only Work Areas (COWs). Character-Only Work Areas are described in Appendix 12. To take advantage of the full functionality of Geosupport, applications need to be written using the Character-Only Work Areas (COWs).

Character-Only Work Areas (COWs), as the name implies, contain character fields only. The original Geosupport work areas were called the Mainframe-Specific Work Areas (MSWs).

Reminder: As of January 1, 2020, MSWs are no longer supported. See the updated MSW announcement below in the Version 20.1 section.

Reminder: As of Version 19.3, Geosupport enhancements are supported only in a non-mainframe environment (NMF). See the mainframe announcement below in the Version 20.1 section. As a result of this announcement, entries in this summary often begin with '(NMF Only)'. By definition, all non-mainframe environment applications are COW applications. (MSW applications cannot run in a non-mainframe environment.)

Typically, MSWs contain some fields that are in a format which is unique to IBM mainframes. COWs were introduced as an essential part of a long-term effort to port the Geosupport System to other platforms, e.g. the Desktop, the Internet (web version of GOAT) , GeoX, .net, and Linux. For a detailed description of the COWs, see Appendix 12.

Work Area 1 and Work Area 2 are often referred to, in this document, as WA1 and WA2, respectively.


Version 20.1


As of Geosupport Version 19.3, enhancements to Geosupport (such as new fields and new functions) are being made available and supported only for applications running in a non-mainframe environment (NMF), e.g. Desktop Edition, GeoX, .net, and Linux. Enhancements to Geosupport will continue to be implemented for non-mainframe environments.

It is important for users to convert any existing applications to a COW format in a non-mainframe environment.


As of January 1, 2020, Mainframe-Specific Work Areas (MSWs) are no longer supported. Character-Only Work Areas (COWs) will continue to be supported. As mentioned above, COWs will be enhanced only in a non-mainframe environment. It is essential for users to convert any existing MSW applications to the COW format in a non-mainframe environment.

User-written application programs and GBAT utilities that use the MSW format may continue to run but no technical support will be available. If an MSW issue arises, users can no longer call DCP for resolution.

To assist users in the conversion to COW format:
* Appendix 12 contains information needed to create COW applications.
* Appendix 13 contains the COW Work Area Layouts.
* Appendix 14 contains the COW copy files.

Any further issues may be directed via email to: Geosupport_DL@planning.nyc.gov


Note: All enhancements (if any) are available and supported in COW non-mainframe environments (NMF) only.

  • (Web GOAT) Fine tuning and bug fixes were implemented

    • GOAT will now accept an ampersand in the street name input for all functions.

  • (Geosupport System) Fine tuning and bug fixes were implemented

    • For functions 1, 1E and 1B, the count of cross streets in the list of the High-End Cross Streets (a.k.a ‘To Cross Streets’) is now accurate even for Addressable Place Names and Non-Addressable Place Names (NAPs). (All COW Function 1, 1E and 1B related calls)
